
Legal & Licenses

Compare Health, LLC has made every effort to provide clear and accurate information via this website. However, additions, updates, and deletions may occur from time to time. Compare Health, LLC has no obligation to update this site, and the information presented may be out of date and may contain inaccuracies or errors. The information is also limited in nature and may not contain all the applicable terms, conditions, limitations, or exclusions of the products and services referenced.

Users of this site agree that Compare Health, LLC has no liability with respect to any actions taken as a result of, or in connection with, viewing any information contained on this website. You agree to use this site and submit information at your own risk.

Some areas of our site may provide links to other external sites that we don’t own, control, or influence. We reference sites that we think might be useful or of interest to you, but we are not responsible for the content or privacy practices used by other site owners.

Existing Insurance Coverage

Do not cancel any existing insurance coverage until you receive written confirmation from the insurance company to which you have applied that your new policy is in effect.


Compare Health, LLC and its agents maintain the necessary licenses, certifications, and continuing education to offer to you the products and services described in this website.

Our Relationship with Insurance Companies

Compare Health, LLC is a licensed agency producer that is contracted with numerous insurance companies. In exchange for active policies submitted, we receive a commission. The commission paid to Compare Health, LLC in no way affects the individual insurance premium that you are required to pay.

Occasionally, Compare Health, LLC will receive a request from an insurance company to provide additional sales or customer service support. If this is the case, we will identify ourselves, and our agency, as well as our relationship to the insurance company.

If you are satisfied with the services provided by your existing agent, we have no intention of disrupting your existing relationship. Please let us know how we can be of service.

In no way does Compare Health, LLC represent itself as an insurance company.